How To Manage Sugar Cravings After Quitting Alcohol

That first month, they want to lose a lot of weight, or they want to go on a diet. It’s like a whole lifestyle change. We’re not drinking anymore, let’s go on a diet, let’s lose 20 pounds.

why do alcoholics crave sugar when they stop drinking

And so just noticing, noticing when you are choosing your foods, notice the added sugars, because there are a lot of hidden sugars in food. And if we are able to choose those foods without as much sugar, we’re less likely to crave sugar. Yeah, I mean, I think that makes a huge difference. For other people, it’s online programs. For other people, it’s 1-on-1 coaching, and for other people, it’s in-person meetings or a program.

Break the habit

Eating protein-rich snacks and meals throughout the day can also keep you full and satisfied, Pinyard said, helping to avoid the sort of sugar crash that leads you to reach for more. “Any time people change a behavior, our natural gut reaction — literally — is to experience more hunger,” she said. “There’s the boredom factor and the reward factor,” Witkiewitz added, “And food is a very accessible, natural reward.” In this article, we’re going to go through the causes for your sugar cravings. We know that it can be challenging going from craving one substance to another.

One of the many problems with alcohol abuse is that most of your caloric intake comes from the amount of alcohol you consume daily. This means that most people who stop drinking haven’t gotten their full nutritional value for an extended do alcoholics crave sugar period. And so just that alone can be the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. And then if you feel like your eating habits are pretty solid, don’t mess with it. But then maybe down the road fine tuning some of your food choices.

Recovery, Relapse, and Sugar

As Northeast Ohio’s premier provider of alcohol addiction treatment, you can safely and privately recover from alcohol addiction. Sweets fit the bill for several reasons. First, you get more of a dopamine boost from foods that are high in sugar or fat. This is similar to the dopamine rush you’d feel when drinking alcohol.