How to Join 4-H Island County Washington State University

The first step to getting involved in 4-H is finding a club in your county that fits your location OR what you want to do! Connecting with your local County Extension Agent is the best way to learn about opportunities near you. Search below for your county to find the contact information for your agent. Use the provided contact information to connect with clubs to learn more about them and arrange to visit meetings or activities to find the club that best fits your needs and goals. As a 4-H club member, you have the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, learn about projects, and participate in club trips and activities, and more.

  1. 4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation.
  2. If not, several young people with an adult or two to help them may start a new club.
  3. Search below for your county to find the contact information for your agent.
  4. From my experience in 4-H I have learned communication skills and how to work with many types of people.

The mission of 4-H is to help children grow into healthy, productive, and successful adults. This mission is accomplished through involvement of parents, volunteer leaders, and other adults who organize and conduct fun educational experiences in community and family settings. An active enrollment is required in order to register and participate in all 4-H meetings, activities and events. Each year on August 15th all membership in Texas 4-H goes to inactive and all youth and adult volunteers must re-enroll. The NC 4-H Youth Development Program welcomes you to get a glimpse of what 4-H is all about.

Youth may stay in 4-H until his/her 19th birthday (must be before October 1 of the current 4-H year). Youth older than 19 and enrolled in special education classes may belong to 4-H with the approval of the county 4-H Faculty. As you can see, Weld County has a wide variety of clubs to choose from with so much to offer. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Kim, Extension Agent, at the Weld County Extension Office. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C.

Front page 4-H LEARNS

Because you get to “Learn by Doing” and meet new friends that share your interests. You can participate in projects where you make something, develop a skill, raise and/or train an animal, join a virtual club with kids from anywhere in the world! There are numerous projects available to you, including foods, clothing, public speaking, models, aerospace, wood science, and livestock.

Today, over seven million members participate in 4-H programs in more than 70 countries. The 4-H program is delivered by professionals and volunteers through school and community clubs, in-school and after-school programs and 4-H camps. 4‑H clubs follow a planned program and offer learning opportunities for youth that are self-directed.

A 19-year-old is expected to do a more advanced project; a 10-year-old could be working at an introductory activity. Getting involved with 4‑H is easy and costs are kept to a minimum. Unlike other youth organizations, 4‑H doesn’t require a uniform and there are no national fees. Children select their 4‑H education project so they can choose one that works well within a family’s budget. Start with a contact to your county Extension staff for names and ideas.

To see a list of all of our State and County Projects, visit our Project List page. Receive hands-on, educational activities, including our latest 4‑H activity guides to help inspire young people to do, learn, and grow. Remember that 4-H must be available to all people equally without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or handicap.

Washington State University Extension

4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation. 4-H prepares young people to be leaders in their community and around the world through hands-on experiences alongside prime of prime liquidity provider 5000+ instruments their peers and caring adults. Community clubs, afterschool programs, school enrichment, camps/workshops, and special interest programs are all ways youth across Indiana can be involved with the 4-H program.

4-H programs, youth, and volunteers have a profound impact on Indiana communities. There are over 50 different projects divided into more than 225 divisions. These divisions bitcoin leads cryptocurrency sell range from creative arts, photography, model rocketry, foods, clothing, gardening, wildlife, woodworking, to dog obedience, small animals, horses, and livestock.

Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. 4-H costs nothing to join, and you are not required to purchase a uniform. Member expenses are minimal and determined by the club itself. Click on the link below for a handout on all of the wonderful opportunities 4-H has to offer in North Carolina. The 4 “Hs” represent the values of 4-H and how our members commit themselves to be responsible, caring and contributing young leaders. The hackathon required students ages 12 to 18 to study a problem and propose a real-world solution.

About North Carolina 4-H

4‑H programs are available in grade schools and high schools. Your local 4‑H office will help you find the right program for your child and provide you with meeting locations, the rise of the cryptoexchange giants time commitment and program details. Washington State University King County Extension uses 4-HOnline 2.0 for enrollment, please contact the local office.

What happens in a 4-H Club?

As with any Internet translation, the conversion is not context-sensitive and may not translate the text to its original meaning. NC State Extension does not guarantee the accuracy of the translated text. Please note that some applications and/or services may not function as expected when translated.

4-H is a youth development program that offers 3rd through 12th grade youth, ages 8 to 18, a wide variety of opportunities in various project areas. 4-H offers members hands-on experiences in leadership, community service, career discovery, building connections, and developing life-long skills. 4-H is a fun program where you get to “Learn by Doing.” With more than 10,000 established 4-H programs across North Carolina, you can be a part of 4-H wherever you live. All youth between the ages of 5 and 19 are invited to join! 4‑H is a community for all kids with programs that suit a variety of backgrounds, interests, budgets and schedules.

We’d love to talk with you about content delivery options for your program. 4-H offers over 450 curriculum and learning resources that are research-based, peer-reviewed, hands-on fun for after school, home school, school enrichment, day camps, and more. The 4-H elements of practical skill building activities, meaningful leadership roles and partnerships with caring adult volunteers has been proven to equip young people for future success. According to a longitudinal study by Tufts University in the United States, 4-H youth attain higher educational achievement and are three times more likely to actively contribute to their communities. 4-H programs are designed to enable youth to “Learn To Do By Doing” and “To Make the Best Better”. Youth can choose from a broad menu of 4-H projects which they complete with guidance from their adult leader in a fun, inclusive and safe environment which encourages individual leadership roles.

For a list of clubs in your area, visit our 4-H Clubs page or contact the Extension Office. 4‑H overnight and day camps offer recreational and educational opportunities in a camp setting. 4‑H camps provide youth with the chance to meet new people, have fun and experience the great outdoors.

The four H’s on the emblem stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. 4-H is the only youth organization based at land-grant universities and the first experience many youth have with higher education. Clicking on the translation link activates a free translation service to convert the page to Spanish.