Dialectical Behavior Therapy Fact Sheet Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

DBT was initially designed to treat people with suicidal behavior and borderline personality disorder. But it has been adapted for other mental health problems that threaten a person’s safety, relationships, work, and emotional well-being. The cost effectiveness of DBT also extends past the treatment year as evidenced by a recent examination in a VA hospital setting. Meyers and colleagues (2014) found that veterans who received DBT treatment had significantly decreased the use of outpatient mental health services in the following year by 48%. Perhaps more importantly, the study demonstrated that utilization of high-cost inpatient services decreased by 50% and length of stay by 69%. The authors concluded that each individual in DBT treatment utilized almost $6,000 less in total services in the year following DBT treatment as compared to the year prior to DBT.

  • “Don’t expect to walk out of your first therapy session feeling better immediately,” says Shah.
  • As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol lowers stress and anxiety, and can produce feelings of pleasure and relaxation.
  • It is important for all practitioners who wish to offer DBT to obtain certification through the DBT-LBC program.

Clients are encouraged to understand that their thoughts and feelings are valid, to accept themselves as worthwhile, and to find the motivation to modify negative thoughts and behaviors. Emotional pain is part of life, and individuals are taught through DBT to accept this and learn how to work through it. The biosocial theory attempts to explain how issues related to borderline personality develop. The theory posits that some people are born with a predisposition toward emotional vulnerability. Environments that lack solid structure and stability can intensify a person’s negative emotional responses. They can also influence patterns of interaction that become destructive.

How to Get Started With Dialectical Behavior Therapy

In DBT, several interventions and skills are geared toward conveying acceptance of the patient and helping the patient accept him or herself, others, and the world. In DBT, mindfulness skills help patients attend to what is happening in the present. Therapists teach patients mindfulness skills in skills training, encourage mindfulness in individual therapy, and often practice mindfulness themselves. A couple of studies have examined DBT for women with BPD in community settings, such as a community mental health center and a VA hospital.

dialectical behavioral therapy

DBT skills training is often done in groups and is accompanied by individual treatment and coaching from a therapist. In a clinical setting learning all the skills typically takes six months. The “dialectic” in dialectical behavior therapy is an acknowledgment that real life is complex, and health is not a static thing but an ongoing process hammered out through a continuous Socratic dialogue with the self and others. It is continually aimed at balancing opposing forces and investigating the truth of powerful negative emotions.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Perseius, K-I., Samuelsson, M., Andersson, E., Berndtsson, T., Götmark, H., …. Does dialectical behavioural therapy reduce treatment costs for patients with borderline personality disorder. It may be especially effective in treating borderline personality issues, posttraumatic stress, self-harm, and suicidality. Know that your first DBT session will most likely be about gathering background information about you, such as your current day-to-day life, your mental health history, what symptoms or issues brought you to therapy, and your goals for therapy, Shah says. Your therapist may also review some DBT tools and resources that you might use in future sessions.

The directory lets you search by state for clinicians and programs with DBT training through Behavioral Tech, LLC, or the Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics at the University of Washington. If you or a loved one might benefit from DBT, it’s important to talk with a healthcare provider or mental health professional who is trained in the approach. The best way to find out if DBT is right for you is to talk with a professional who is trained in the method.

Components of DBT

Try not to get discouraged by how long it may take to be able to better manage your emotions and have a better quality of life. They’ll determine how suitable DBT is for you by asking you questions and explaining how DBT works. If you decide that DBT is the right therapy for you, they’ll ask you to commit to the treatment and the length of treatment. If you have questions, call or email the therapist’s office before you choose. As with all forms of therapy, it is also advisable to find a DBT therapist with whom you feel comfortable.

Studies on DBT for BPD indicate that DBT is an effective treatment for reducing suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injurious behavior, reducing hospitalizations and ER visits, and decreasing depression and anxiety. There are fewer studies on DBT for the other disorders listed above; however, pilot studies indicate dialectical behavioral therapy that DBT is effective at reducing core symptoms of those disorders (e.g., binge/purge episodes in bulimia and substance use frequency in substance use disorders). Along these lines, in applying DBT to patients with BPD, therapists must have the skills and knowledge needed to work with emotions in treatment.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): How It Works, What It Helps, and More

Dialectics are used to support both the therapist and person in treatment. Therapists use dialectics to help people accept the parts of themselves they do not like. They also use dialectics to provide motivation and encouragement to address the change of those parts. Synthesizing polar opposites can reduce tension and help keep therapy moving forward. These are a behavioral science biosocial model of the development of chronic mental health issues, the mindfulness practice of Zen Buddhism, and the philosophy of dialectics.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based talk therapy that can reduce the risk of depression relapse. Mood swings are sudden shifts from one emotional state to another and can be caused by factors such as stress, hormones, sleep problems, or mental health… Social media, academics, anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, substances, and more have all contributed to unprecedented levels of mental health issues among the… DBT Self-Help is the largest free DBT resource geared toward helping make DBT accessible to everyone. On its website, you can learn about core DBT skills, research about DBT and its effectiveness, or find a DBT provider.